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Nexus 7, One Year In

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Dustin Earley:

I can’t find one person who has been using the Nexus 7 for an extended period of time, and hasn’t seen a massive downgrade in performance. Just what kind of downgrade are we talking here? I cannot pick up my Nexus 7 without experiencing problems like a lag of ten seconds, or more, just to rotate the display; touches refusing to acknowledged; stuttering notification panel actions; and unresponsive apps.

I tried the basics at first, like a factory reset. I then moved onto drastic measures, like rooting and installing CyanogenMod 10.1 (which I thought would surely fix everything, since I’ve used faster devices with lesser hardware, and performance problems were merely a lack of software optimization). And nothing seems to work.

My first-generation iPad from 2010 works just as well as the day I bought it. Actually, even better, because iOS has gotten better.

Update: A lot of pushback from readers on my claim above, arguing that their first-gen iPads have been rendered slow and unstable by iOS 5 (the last OS to support the hardware). My son uses mine for iBooks, watching movies, and playing games. Mileage clearly varies with other apps. (And yes, the App Store app in particular is a bit crashy.)

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4271 days ago
4279 days ago
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7 public comments
4278 days ago
"My nexus has got slower with each os upgrade. My iPad is still fast". Interesting people have both devices. Well I have had a nexus for over year and a half now and it's as fast as the day I got it so maybe its the apps installed on it that slows other peoples down? Can't believe Gruber has got to the level he has to blog about one persons view of how they think their android tablet has gotten slower. Has Apple got nothing new to blog about? Seriously is this what he blogs about now? Boring. And a blog with out comments section is just a soap box
very large rock orbiting a sun
4273 days ago
I have to say I agree with Gruber on this one. 3 years ago I bought a Droid Incredible and an iPad. I don't have the Incredible anymore but friends do and I have noticed how LAGGY the device has become especially since the Gingerbread update. So freaking slow I would rather break the phone in a million pieces than actually use this garbage. How can people be ok with such bad performance is beyond me. BTW my iPad first gen still runs like a charm.
4272 days ago
I had an iPhone 3g and iPhone 4 for a while and noticed they slowed with each upgrade. Should I say that this was an Apple plan to force me to upgrade? I have had 3 iMacs over the years and each new OS release the systems got slower so again should I accuse Apple? No. In most cases a factory reset and installing the apps I use (rather than the all the apps I had accumulated). Gruber is a joke to blogging (don't even call it journalism) for quoting "my mate had a x and it went really slows after an upgrade". Report facts or opinions but not "what he said". Anyone backing this is up just joining the mob mentality of "yeah it must be true" he said!
4279 days ago
I'm no Android fan and gave up my Nexus 7 in 2 weeks after purchase. But Gruber is stretching it a bit, saying his iPAD 1 is working better with iOS 5. Mine became slow as a dog particularly Safari also many games. And would crash all the time.
4279 days ago
N7 seems to get slower with every OS update.
4279 days ago
What did my mother-in-law get?
Northern Virginia
4279 days ago
Gruber may be an Apple fanboy, but on this one he's right. My wife's Nexus 7 has gotten unbearably slow over the past year. My first-gen iPad is still awesome.
4279 days ago
+1 - mine is soooo slow. Very annoying!
4279 days ago
Hmm, mine is about the same as the day I got it. There's some lagginess when it's doing app updates, but it's obviously doing app updates, so there's no mystery on why it's slow at that point.
4279 days ago
Except for maybe safari which crashes frequently in the original iPad, because it runs out of memory trying to render the page.
4279 days ago
I suppose it's possible that my wife's N7 *seems* slower because I'm now subconsciously comparing it to my iPhone 5, but still, geez, it's slow. Next tablet she gets is an iPad mini.
4279 days ago
My 1st gen iPad is much slower than when I bought it. It lacks ram and the iOS 5 update uses much more than iOS 4 :-(
4279 days ago
My biggest frustration with my iPad 1 is that it doesn't support iOS6 and the multitude of apps that require it.
4279 days ago
I test the NewsBlur Android app on a Nexus 7 and it's always been a dog. Which is good, I guess, because it means I am forced to figure out a faster means of sync and feed fetching.
4279 days ago
Except that the newsblur client doesn't work well on an iPad 1 and Sam has no intention on supporting it anymore
4279 days ago
I'm also removing iOS 5 support from the next iOS app with offline support. Too much of a burden and not enough users use iOS 5. Hell more are on iOS 7 than iOS 5 right now.
4279 days ago
Stupid. Removing iPad 1 support is stupid. I don't think a lot of us want offline reading support. I'd rather have something that works with an ipad1 But what do I know. I'm just a paid user
4279 days ago
It isnt stupid, Samuel gave you a perfectly sensible reason, there are ore users on iOS 7 than on iOS 5. I'll say this though, the original iPad got a far to short life span, by apple standards anyway, it has gotten great support by Android standards, the problem is that someone screwed up when deciding on the techincal specs and it only got 256mb of ram even if the iPhone introduced later the same year ended up having double that.
4279 days ago
I still think it's a shame that the first-gen iPad was hamstrung by a tiny amount of RAM (256MB which is the same amount as the 3GS but with ~5x the pixels to push). Had they bumped that up to 512MB it would be running iOS 6 and as viable as the 3GS still is today. Even when it shipped with iOS 3.2 and no multitasking, Safari would often need to reload tabs when switching as memory was such a limited resource. Gruber's review of the original iPad limited the RAM talk mostly to Safari, but within a few months those same pain points applied system-wide from iOS 4+. Given that and the uptake of newer devices, you can't blame developers for dropping support for the OG iPad.
4279 days ago
THey work great as 3 year old kid netflix viewing devices though, my daughter loves my original model 16gb for that. If she breaks it, I don't care. Then again she's used it since she was 2 and hasn't broken it.
4279 days ago
It's just the reality of the technology in the iPad 1 and the new APIs in the ios7, it's just not going to be able to handle things like spriteKit appropriately. Those complaining about slow iPad 1s are you actually complaining about games and other content that wern't intended to be run on the iPad 1's slower processor and video hardware? My iPad 1 is still snappy enough when using mail and moderate browsing, but it certainly can't handle many recent games.
4279 days ago
I'm actually in the opposite situation - I have a first gen iPad that is pretty much unusably slow, while my girlfriend has a Nexus 7 she uses regularly and loves.
4278 days ago
Is that the 16GB N7 with less than 3GB free gotcha? Apparently the 8GB and 32GB models are normally OK. Cheapo eMMC I guess, mine was really slow at times...
4278 days ago
@islandzero: iPad 1 couldn't even handle switching tabs in Safari without needing to reload. Also, no one said anything about it getting iOS 7 as iOS 6 dropped support for the iPad a year ago. The processor and GPU in the iPad 1 weren't terrible—I tested lots of apps (traditional and games I worked on using Cocos2d, a spiritual precursor to SpriteKit) on my iPad and it wasn't a slouch. It simply didn't have enough RAM given the larger screen size (which means more assets that need to be stored in RAM no matter if it's a game or a UITableView). I still love my OG iPad, but comparing a product that Apple no longer supports itself to the N7 which is still being sold as a flagship device is silly even if the thing runs a little like poo. It _is_ Android after all. ;)
4278 days ago
I've managed to restore my Nexus 7's performance by disabling Google currents background sync + clearing the cache (in settings>Storage)...